• 6 Tips For Surviving Christmas Guilt-Free

    There’s plenty of guilt associated with Christmas. Guilt for the comment about cousin Bob’s festive sweater. Guilt for snapping at the super slow sales assistant. Guilt for saying the gingerbread men were homemade. (None of these have ever happened to me.) Anyway, the last thing we need is more guilt about a little extra indulgence. Here’s how to survive Christmas…

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  • Being Your Best Self As Reader Or Writer

    This year’s Booker prize has been won by George Saunders for his first novel, Lincoln in the Bardo. Yep I did say first novel. Yep that is a jealous sigh. My mum sent me this quote from an interview he did earlier this year with Zadie Smith. I think it will resonate with every book lover, just as it did with me.…

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  • The Willpower Myth: Why I Wrote An Anti-Diet Book

    The question I get asked more than any other, both by friends and strangers, is Could you please stop singing? Rude! The question I get asked second-most often is How do you eat like that and not get fat? I’ve been asked the question by friends, by people I’ve just met at dinner parties, by strangers at the next restaurant…

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  • The Best Thing You Can Do To Support An Author

    Getting a book published is a thrilling achievement. I did an extended happy dance that went on longer than it should have and caused some weird thing to start clicking in my ankle. But with millions of books published each year and overall book sales falling, it’s not easy to be an author. As my book is about to hit…

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  • Places I Get Awesome Ideas

    Places I get awesome ideas: In the shower During a manicure While doing a combat class In the middle of a long story someone is telling me Mid Pap smear. Places I do not get awesome ideas: Sitting in front of my computer writing.

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  • How To Be A Woman: Asking

    Being a woman is hard. But if we try we can master the challenges and learn the tricks to getting it right. Um, that’s only if it’s OK with you of course. Today, we’ll learn how to ask for what you want. Asking For Something You Want When asking for something for yourself, it’s important to make it ridiculously easy for the other person to…

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  • I Have NEWS! My Book Is Being Published!

    What? Weren’t You Writing Some Blog Thing Somewhere? I was, thanks for noticing. So then here’s what happened. A couple of years ago I wrote a very short, kinda funny little book called How to Be Thin in a World of Chocolate. It was based on my psych research and personal experience trying to find a way to lose weight…

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  • Some People Are So Rude

    I found this little rambling when I updated my blog theme and thought – why not a make it poem? Does it work? What do you think? Some People Are So Rude You know when someone ignores your text? And it's an urgent text? And you get cranky and riled up? And you think how they annoy you? And you've…

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  • How To Internet: A 5-Step Instruction Manual

    Using The Internet and Social Medias can at first seem overwhelming. There are many traps for the web novice. But you needn’t feel intimidated. With these handy tips you too can Internet like a pro. 1. Correct People’s Opinions One of the most effective ways to Internet on Social Medias is to correct the misguided opinions of others. People are allowed onto The Internet with wrongheaded…

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  • Why Is Bob Dylan Serenading A Hen Called Lady?

    Lay, lady, lay; lay across my big brass bed So begins the classic Bob Dylan song. What is going on here? Am I the only one baffled by these mysterious lyrics, curious about this intriguing laying relationship? Nothing mysterious here, some might say, Dylan is merely asking his human female paramour to position herself horizontally across the bed. But no! Think again. For if…

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