• Like A Broken Bone In Your Brain

    Have you noticed how some people have a lens for seeing the world? Their religion, role as a parent, identity as a vegan? For me that lens is psychology... Read More

  • Best Film Or TV Quote Ever

    Why do I love it so? Because this is profound wisdom, to have the world say, be like this, do this, act this way, and to gently respond, I shall not; I’m not like that. Read More

  • Why Can’t I Do What I Say I’ll Do?

    Not have a burger and fries for lunch again. I had one yesterday and the day before, so it’s not like I’m facing imminent expiry from a severe burger deficiency. But then… I cave. Read More

  • Five Songs That Changed My Life

    Overkill perfectly evokes the sense I often have of being at odds with the world, and sometimes with my own mind. It reminds me we are not our thoughts. Ghosts appear and fade away. Read More

  • Postcards From The Ward – Part 2

    Let me catch you up… My Friday nights normally comprise red wine, chocolate, TV, and an 80s playlist; tonight it’s an isolation ward and coughing up blood from my lung. WARNING: Mild gore alert Read More

  • Postcards From The Ward

    Not once has someone mentioned a whipple or stabbed my throat with a ballpoint pen to open an airway. This is all basic medical procedure and I’m starting to wonder if these people know what they’re doing.  Read More

  • The Party

    I don’t like parties Usually, But I’m hosting one For all my troubles Of late. I’ll serve dark Shiraz and A plaintive Bach air On a tiny violin play; Drape… Read More

  • Rose-Colored Reading Glasses

    I have discovered a hidden benefit of needing reading glasses: there are things I no longer see. First, there’s what’s in the mirror. Becoming farsighted as you age is nature’s… Read More

  • Apostrophic

    Oh the apostrophe! Minuscule yet mighty. I’ve worked in more than one job where the CEO regularly called me to check apostrophification (not a word, FYI). I’m not ashamed to… Read More

  • Wine With Everything

    Sad to see Revlon has filed for bankruptcy. My first ever lipstick purchase was Revlon. I still remember the shade, and a while ago I wrote a poem about it. … Read More


Bonjour! I'm an introvert, minimalist, and award-winning author. I've managed to make a mess of most things and a minor success of a few. My books are: Chic Minimalism • How To Be Elegant • How To Be An Introvert In An Extrovert World • How To Be Thin In A World Of Chocolate. Read more about me here. To stay in touch, follow me on Instagram or sign up for my delightful dispatches.

My Brand New Book Is Here!
How To Be Elegant 21 Rules For Grace Poise Charm
Bon Mots
My Store For Introverts
Louder Minds Store
How To Be An Introvert In An Extrovert World
How To Be An Introvert In An Extrovert World
A Year of Style, Simplicity, and Self-Care
A Chic Year Style Simplicity Self-Care
How To Be Thin In A World Of Chocolate [Audiobook]
How To Be Thin In A World Of Chocolate